
Best 3 methods for intimate area hair removal  

by Mary
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There are several methods to do hair removal of the intimate area. Each of them has pros and cons. In this opportunity we detail the characteristics of the most used ones.

There are several methods for hair removal in the intimate area and it is indicated that each person chooses the one that best suits what you are looking for. In general, the process should not be too painful or cause irritation or other problems.

In fact, as far as possible, hair removal should not be total, as the hair in this area serves as a protective barrier. Therefore, not having them completely removed increases the risk of infections or other vaginal diseases.

It is a fact that waxing this area is a bit more complex. The procedure can be uncomfortable and sometimes leaves unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is advisable to know the different options and how to apply them properly.

Depilation of the intimate area

One of the factors that makes hair removal in the intimate area complicated is that the skin in this area is more sensitive than in other parts of the body. Therefore, it is not uncommon to experience irritation, allergies or itching when removing hair.

Added to this is the fact that there are several myths about it. Some people think that the absence of hair is synonymous with cleanliness and neatness, when this is not the case. As we already mentioned, in the case of women, they act as protectors.

Incorrect hair removal can cause very annoying problems, such as ingrown hairs. This occurs when the hair fails to sprout outward and then sprouts inward, resulting in a cyst.

In any case, each method of hair removal in the intimate area has its advantages and disadvantages. The most usual are three; with wax, with cream or with a shaver. We will talk about each of them below.

Depilation of the intimate area by waxing

Depilation of the intimate area can be done with hot or cold wax. This is the most popular method, as it allows you to pull out the hair by the roots. Thanks to this, the effect is maintained for up to four weeks.

On the other hand, this method can be painful and can even cause irritation on certain types of skin. In the case of both hot and cold waxing, it is advisable to exfoliate three days beforehand to remove dead cells and prevent ingrown hairs.

Depilation with hot wax

Before applying this method it is important to have the pubic area clean and dry. The wax should be heated taking care that it does not take such a high temperature that it ends up burning the skin. It should not be too cold either, because it will generate more pain.

Once the wax is melted, it should be spread on the skin. It is important to use a mirror to control the whole process. The product should be placed in the same direction in which the hair grows. Afterwards, let it cool for a few minutes and remove it by pulling it in the opposite direction.

The remaining wax should not be reused to avoid infections. At the end of the process, moisturizing cream should be applied and sun exposure of the waxed area should be avoided for the next 24 hours.

Waxing with cold wax

This method is more painful, but it also guarantees longer-lasting effects. Cold waxing is most effective when the hairs are short. It should be done from the outside in and from the top down. The steps are as follows:

Place the strip of cold wax, in the same direction in which the hair grows.

Tighten the skin above the strip.

Pull the strip vigorously in the opposite direction of hair growth. This should not be done little by little, but all at once.

Repeat until all the hair is removed.

Apply moisturizer.

Depilatory cream

Another method for depilation of the intimate area is the use of depilatory cream. It is the option that generates less pain, so it is indicated for people with very sensitive skin. However, the effects will only last a couple of days.

In short, it is the fastest and least aggressive method, but also the one that lasts the shortest. It is best to do a test before using this type of cream.

It is only necessary to apply a little on the forearm and wait 24 hours to verify that there is no reaction. The correct way to perform the procedure is as follows:

Clean the area with soap and water to remove impurities. Dry well.

Trim the hairs so that they are no longer than half a centimeter, to facilitate hair removal.

Apply the cream to the chosen area. The film should be thin, but in sufficient quantity to cover the base of the hair.

Wait a few minutes for the product to act, according to the product instructions.

Rinse thoroughly until the product is completely removed.

Apply moisturizing cream to avoid irritation.


Shaving the intimate area with a razor is also very common. It has advantages and disadvantages similar to those of depilatory cream. On the one hand, it is a practical and painless method. On the other hand, its results are very short-lived.

In addition, in this case, there is a risk of cuts or wounds during the process. You can use a manual shaver or an electric one. Let’s take a look at the characteristics of each.

Manual shaver

As in the other cases, the best thing to do is to wash the area with soap and water and then dry it very well. The rest only requires a few simple actions:

Apply shaving gel or cream to the pubic area. This is essential to avoid irritation and prevent accidents.

Pass the razor over the area to be shaved, in the same direction as the hair growth.

Moisturize continuously. Every time the razor is passed, water should be poured over the area. Ideally, this should be done in the shower.

Apply moisturizer at the end.

Electric shaver

This type of machine removes hairs by the root, one by one. They do it through a tweezers roller. Therefore, it could be one of the most painful methods. On the other hand, it offers very good and long-lasting results.

The procedure with this method of hair removal of the intimate area is as follows:

Exfoliate the area a day in advance. This helps prevent ingrown hairs.

Before waxing, bathe the area with warm water. This opens the pores and makes the procedure easier.

Stretch the skin with one hand and, with the other, pass the machine in the opposite direction of hair growth.

Repeat, if necessary, until the hair is completely removed.

Use moisturizer at the end.

Other tips and recommendations

It is best to trim the hair with scissors before waxing the intimate area, unless you are going to use an electric shaver. In this case, the hair should be at least 3 millimeters long so that the procedure can be performed properly.

If wax or creams are used, it is very important to prevent these substances from coming into contact with the labia minora or vaginal mucosa. If you opt for manual shaving, you should use a new, good quality razor, preferably specific for intimate areas.

The electric razor has the advantage that after some time of use, the hair loses its strength and becomes less and less thick. The opposite can happen with manual shaving. The most advisable – in all methods – is to moisturize the skin at the end, for example with a product based on aloe vera.

Final recommendations

There are other methods for hair removal in the intimate area that practically guarantee hair removal in that area. Specifically, we are referring to photoepilation and laser hair removal. However, it is important to consider the fact that permanent hair removal is not suitable for women.

Men can also use the methods described above without any problem. For hair removal of the testicles, it is recommended to first trim the hair and then use a manual shaver or depilatory cream.

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