

The rise of obesity is seen worldwide, regardless of wealth or poverty. In 2016, the WHO counted 1.9 billion overweight adults in the world and 650 million defined as “obese.” Globally, the number of cases of obesity has almost tripled since 1975.

This situation constitutes a profound public health problem: obese people have more health problems, more risks of developing cardiovascular diseases, cancers, joint problems, hormonal problems and others.

At the same time, the prevalence of overweight is not decreasing, on the contrary: more and more people are overweight or obese, and younger and younger. What are the causes of obesity? What is the treatment for obesity? What are the preventive measures against obesity?

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Hair care can be a real headache and a big challenge for many of us, especially when you don’t have much time, but if you have beautiful, healthy hair, you can feel more attractive and confident. Setting up a hair care routine is easy: you’ll need to maintain the health of your hair and apply products that benefit it. Fortunately, you don’t have to take care of your hair every day, and most of the steps in a hair care routine can be done once or twice a week.

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If you are trying to lose weight, I would like to tell you that there are foods that will help you achieve your goal, but eating too little can put your health at risk. In fact, a study, published by ofmhealth, has shown that a diet of less than 1,000 calories per day does not provide the balanced nutrition your body needs, and can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies associated with serious health problems.

On the other hand, if you eat fewer calories than you need per day, your body has to separate its own muscle and body tissues to feed itself. This is what can affect your metabolic rate and put it too slow, and what is not ideal for losing weight.

So, instead of reducing your caloric intake, motivate yourself to fuel your body with healthier foods. This is a more effective weight loss strategy. So here are the best foods to support a healthy and sustainable weight loss plan, according to the experts.

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Exercise does not only allow you to lose weight but also, for example, to recover some joint mobility or even autonomy. Exercise can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent obesity and diabetes.

In this point, it is worth remembering that one of the most asked questions on google since the period of confinement until the present time is: What Is The Best Exercise To Lose Weight At Home? Can You Lose Weight At Home Without Equipment.

So, it is quite possible to exercise at home to lose weight. This way, you can workout at any time, without wasting time. Moreover, to lose weight at home, no equipment is needed. There are a lot of effective body weight exercises that allow you to burn a lot of calories. Discover our 6 best exercises to lose weight at home.

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Hiar Woman With Keratin Treatments

Can a keratin treatment be performed on any type of hair? How long does the treatment last? If I have bleached or dyed hair, will the treatment damage the color?

Indeed, there is no doubt that keratin hair treatments have exploded in popularity recently. The sleek, shiny results and immediate elimination of frizz have brought people to the salon chair for this intensive smoothing procedure. The results can be dramatic and worth it for some – freeing even the tightest curls, transforming them into sleek, elegant tresses that will turn heads.

For this reason, and before you drive yourself crazy by twisting your brain in all directions, we went to Brazilian hairstylist Andressa Santana – who runs her trendy salon in Madrid – for advice.

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How To Get Fresh Skin Naturally ? Fruits are one of the foods rich in many nutrients. It contains minerals, vitamins and enzymes that are beneficial for the health of the body and skin. Eating fresh fruits regularly as part of a healthy diet is the key to having fresh and radiant skin. In addition to eating fruits, many cosmetic experts recommend using natural mixtures of fruits to rejuvenate the skin and treat all its problems.

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All women strive to have fresh and beautiful skin. Many of us resort to buying many beauty products and skin care creams that aim to obtain fresh skin. But we completely ignore the fact that freshness is based on healthy skin, and that most commercial products work on the outside skin only, and also contain chemical ingredients that may not be beneficial to the skin in the long run. Therefore, if you want the freshness and beauty of your skin, the only way is home remedies. These natural mixtures are not only simple and easy to prepare, but they also have an effective long-term effect. Learn with us about some effective natural means for the freshness and beauty of your skin

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A fresh skin reflects the inner health of the body. Therefore, if you want to maintain healthy and supple skin, you must follow some healthy habits. It is recommended to choose the right products for your skin type and its different needs, and a healthy, rich diet is also taken into account to maintain the freshness of your skin. Here are some beauty tips and secrets to keep your skin fresh and radiant.

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The aging process is a natural process that appears slowly. As soon as they reach the stage of their thirties, women begin to notice some effects of aging such as fine lines and dark spots on the skin. With the passage of time after that, the skin begins to lose its elasticity, which inevitably leads to the appearance of wrinkles at the age of fifty. Despite this, there are some ways that help slow down the aging process and enjoy the vitality and youth of the skin for as long as possible. With proper skin care according to the age stage, you will be able to combat aging and its unpleasant effects on your skin.

Here are some beauty secrets that every woman should know to maintain younger looking skin.

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The beauty of french women has always fascinated the world, from Brigitte Bardot to Jane Birkin with subtle makeup and cat eyes. And while it’s true that it’s never gone out of style, in recent years it’s become a very popular trend for both makeup and skin and hair care.

In fact, French women are generally known for having fresh and attractive skin free from common blemishes. The secret behind this is that French women follow a healthy lifestyle that differs from many countries.

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