
DIY beauty tricks you’ll love

by Mary
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Sometimes, to look beautiful you don’t need to spend a lot of money on cosmetic products: Things you have in the pantry at home will be more than enough. DIY beauty tricks will help you save money, time and the environment.

As if that weren’t enough, these beauty tricks will help you look much better every day, and you can quickly and easily improve your appearance any time you need a positive change in your image. Want to see some options to be more beautiful with DIY beauty tricks?

1 Store honey

Honey is great for your breakfast. But it will also help you keep one of the best beauty hacks on hand. Honey has antibacterial properties that make it great for your skin. If you put honey on your face and leave it on for a few minutes After rinsing it off with warm water you will see how much smoother and healthier looking your facial skin looks.

2 Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is perfect to use on your hair. It will help you remove buildup from hair products, including shampoo, hairspray or mousses. It will also leave you with shiny, clean hair.

3 Tomato with lemon juice

Tomato with lemon juice is a great remedy to fight dark circles under the eyes. To get lighten the skin under your eyes you will have to crush a tomato and mix it with lemon juice. When everything is well mixed, you only have to spread this mixture on the dark area that causes dark circles under your eyes. Let it act for about 15 minutes and repeat this action two or three times a day for several weeks. You will see how little by little you have good results.

4 Whiten teeth with banana peels

If your teeth are a little yellow and you don’t want to spend too much money at the dentist. You can save money by whitening your teeth at home. All you have to do is rub a banana peel (the inside part) on your teeth after brushing for two minutes, you will have to repeat this every day until you get good results.

Banana peel contains salicylic acid and citric acid. A perfect combination to whiten teeth naturally and without damaging the enamel one bit.

Do you know of any home beauty remedies you think we’d love? Let us know your DIY secrets!

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