Cellulite, sometimes called “orange peel skin” or “dimples”, is an internal change in the fatty tissue under the skin. It is primarily unsightly, but can sometimes lead to some more serious problems. According to researchers, over 80% of all women have cellulite!
Rebel Wilson gained weight in order to become famous because she had trouble making people laugh early in her career. But in 2020, Rebelle Wilson made a complete lifestyle change that helped her reach her weight goal – which she used to try to inspire others.
The rise of obesity is seen worldwide, regardless of wealth or poverty. In 2016, the WHO counted 1.9 billion overweight adults in the world and 650 million defined as “obese.” Globally, the number of cases of obesity has almost tripled since 1975.
This situation constitutes a profound public health problem: obese people have more health problems, more risks of developing cardiovascular diseases, cancers, joint problems, hormonal problems and others.
At the same time, the prevalence of overweight is not decreasing, on the contrary: more and more people are overweight or obese, and younger and younger. What are the causes of obesity? What is the treatment for obesity? What are the preventive measures against obesity?
If you are trying to lose weight, I would like to tell you that there are foods that will help you achieve your goal, but eating too little can put your health at risk. In fact, a study, published by ofmhealth, has shown that a diet of less than 1,000 calories per day does not provide the balanced nutrition your body needs, and can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies associated with serious health problems.
On the other hand, if you eat fewer calories than you need per day, your body has to separate its own muscle and body tissues to feed itself. This is what can affect your metabolic rate and put it too slow, and what is not ideal for losing weight.
So, instead of reducing your caloric intake, motivate yourself to fuel your body with healthier foods. This is a more effective weight loss strategy. So here are the best foods to support a healthy and sustainable weight loss plan, according to the experts.